How rare is Metagross? (2025)

Metagross - 50/98 - Rare.

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How rare is Metagross Pokemon go?

In order to evolve Metang into Metagross, players will need 100 Beldum candies. That is a lot of work. Perhaps the player will get lucky and simply find a Metagross in the wild, but that is extremely unlikely.

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Is Metagross a legendary Pokemon?

Metagross (Japanese: メタグロス Metagross) is a dual-type Steel/Psychic pseudo-legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation III.

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Is Metagross one of the best Pokemon?

Best Nature: Jolly

Despite its intimidating appearance, Metagross' stats are actually quite balanced across the board with no one stat outshining the rest. Its main strengths are Attack and Defense, at 135 and 130 respectively, and although it's not the best, it's still a good Steel-type Pokemon.

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Is Metagross worth it?

Metagross is a decent pick in the Master League of Pokemon GO Battle League. It has favorable matches against meta picks like Zacian, Xerneas, Dialga, Lugia, Dragonite, and Mewtwo. Metagross' go-to moveset involves Bullet Punch as a Fast Attack and Meteor Mash and Earthquake as Charged Attacks.

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I Spent 10,000 Pokécoins on THIS Pokémon

Why is Metagross so powerful?

Metagross is the result of the fusion of two Metang. This Pokémon defeats its opponents through use of its supercomputer-level brain. Because the magnetic powers of these Pokémon get stronger in freezing temperatures, Metagross living on snowy mountains are full of energy.

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Why is Metagross so strong?

One such reason is Metagross' unique typing: Steel/Psychic. With this typing, it has no 4x weaknesses and is 2x weak to Fire, Ground, Ghost, and Dark. Metagross takes 0.5x damage from Normal, Grass, Ice, Flying, Rock, Dragon, and Steel and 0.25x damage from Psychic. Metagross is completely immune to Poison attacks.

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Can Charizard beat Metagross?

The best counters for Metagross in a Pokémon GO Raid are Mega Charizard Y, Mega Gengar, Shadow Moltres, Shadow Ho-Oh, and Mega Charizard X.

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Which is better Lucario or Metagross?

As far as metagame goes, yeah, Metagross is superior. I guess it has enough firepower and defense to wall Lucario's attacks while Earthquaking it to death.

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Which Pokemon is better Metagross or Garchomp?

Who is more powerful between Mega Garchomp and Mega Metagross? Simply Mega Metagross… It's better to not mega evolve Garchomp because it loses 10 points in speed and it's ability Sand Force is very situational as it's ability only works in Sandstorm.

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Is Metagross V rare?

Metagross V - 112/198 - Ultra Rare.

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Who is stronger than Metagross?

Both Of these are extremely strong. Mega Metagross has hammer arm which is 4× effective and meteor mash which is 2× effective against Mega Tyranitar. On the other hand Tyranitar has fire fang and crunch, both are 2× effective against Metagross. But when attacks comes in a draw then speed takes the lead.

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How rare is shiny Metagross?

So, how best to get yourself an ultimate version of Metagross? If spawn rates stay the same, that means that it's about 3-5% to get a shiny.

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Does Metagross have 4 brains?

A Metagross has four brains, allowing it to process calculations faster than a supercomputer. Weaknesses: Weak to Dark, Fighting, Fire, Ground and Ghost-type attacks. Notable Attacks/Techniques: Abilities: Like every Pokémon, the Metagross line has a special ability that helps them in battle.

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How can I get Metagross?

Metagross can be found in max raids all across the Crown Tundra, but can also appear as a strong spawn in the wild. Specifically, a single Metagross can spawn in the upper region of Snowslide Slope. Players may want to save before the encounter as he only spawns once per day and can be extremely difficult to catch.

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Is Metagross better than gengar?

Metagross is probably better with now with Air Balloon, and it has a nice movepool coupled with it's attack stat, problem with Gengar is you have to rely on HP Fire for coverage. air balloon? Oh and it's really fragile in comparison to Metagross. Plus when you send Gengar out you usually get Pursuit'd.

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Is Metagross a strong Pokemon?

Although powerful, Metagross suffers from having a rather cumbersome moveset, making it an unreliable choice for countering Dialga. Its secondary Psychic typing further amplifies its issues as Ghost- and Dark-type attacks are common.

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Who can beat Mega Charizard?

The top-tier counters for a Mega Charizard X Raid in Pokémon GO are Shadow Salamence, Shadow Dragonite, Mega Latios, and Mega Aerodactyl. As for Mega Charizard Y, Trainers should counter this Mega variant with Mega Aerodactyl, Shadow Tyranitar, Shadow Aerodactyl, and Terrakion.

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Can Charizard defeat Pikachu?

Pikachu has type Advantage, Charizard is fast enough to dodge Pikachu's electricity, and Charizard has Earthquake, which is just as effective to Pikachu as electric is effective to him. So a good win for Charizard, but if you evolve Pikachu into Raichu, that's a closer matchup.

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Who can defeat Mega Metagross?

The best Pokemon Go Mega Metagross counters are Primal Groudon, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Charizard Y, Mega Blaziken, Shadow Tyranitar & Shadow Ho-Oh.

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Is Metagross a good tank?

Metagross is a prime example of a traditional tank Pokemon. It is a Steel and Psychic-Type Pokemon, two powerful types that in combination with each other provide resistance to nine other Types.

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What does Metagross eat?

Diet. These Pokémon hunt Pokémon like Larvitar, Nosepass, and Lairon to obtain metals and minerals. They use their magnetic abilities and sharp claws to capture prey. Metagross weigh victims down with their heavy bodies before eating them using the mouths underneath their main bodies.

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Why is Metagross Psychic?

Firstly, Metagross is a Psychic type Pokemon. Makes sense; Psychic is often associated with the power of the mind, and Metagross is said by the Pokedex to be smarter than a supercomputer due to its four brains.

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How rare is Metagross? (2025)
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