1. deckstats
List of MTG Sets
Build and analyze your MTG deck. See deck price, mana curve, type distribution, color distribution, mana sources, card probabilities, proxies, ...

2. Untapped.gg - MTG Arena Deck Tracker and Analytics
Standard Meta Decks · Set Guide · Tier List · Trophy Decks
Magic: The Gathering Arena Deck Tracker and Analytics from the team behind Hearthstone Deck Tracker and HSReplay.net.

3. Magic Deck Building Statistics - Eternal Central
Mar 23, 2017 · The statistics of drawing cards from a deck, without replacing them before drawing the next card, is exactly modeled by the hypergeometric probability ...
Some years ago, a few friends and I had a conversation about a quintessential Magic question: “How many one-drops should I play in my aggro deck?” It’s a deceptively simple question, and the answer is both complex and subjective. The number we agreed upon in the moment was at least nine one-drops, because it corresponds to slightly better than 1-in-7 odds. But what percentage of starting hands will contain a one-drop and will we be satisfied with the result?
4. Card Stats (Modern MTG Deck) - TappedOut
Creature (19) Artifact (6) Instant (3) Enchantment (3) Land (25) Planeswalker (4) Sideboard Enchantment (4) Creature (4) This is a bant control deck based of ...
This is a bant control deck based of of The deck. Who knows maybe you'll make a ...

5. Playing MTG - Magic: The Gathering
Playing MTG is your best Magic: The Gathering information website, featuring guides, database, decks, meta stats, tier list, news, and more.

6. MTG Traditional Standard Deck Statistics - AetherHub
Detailed statistics of the current Traditional Standard user decks.
Detailed statistics of the current Traditional Standard user decks

7. MTGA Standard Card Stats - Duskmourn: House of Horror
Compare the statistics of every card in Magic: The Gathering Standard Format to get the best cards for your collection!

8. Guildpact | A seamless stats tracking tool for Magic The Gathering™
Log all your epic games and see how your decks stack up in your playgroup.
9. Deck Stats - MTG Vault
Jul 30, 2013 · Deck Deck List ; Trigon of Corruption 1x Trigon of Corruption, Artifact ; Infiltration Lens 1x Infiltration Lens, Artifact — Equipment ; Pennon ...
no idea
10. MTG Hypergeometric Calculator - AetherHub
The hypergeometric MTG calculator can describe the likelihood of any number of successes when drawing from a deck of Magic cards.
Use the MTG hypergeometric distribution calculator to calculate the likelihood of drawing cards from your deck

11. How to Get Personal Stats for MTG Arena - Draftsim
Deck stats are very similar to what Arena provides. Everything is presented clearly based on the deck you've selected, and it also provides an overall win rate ...
MTGA has been the bread and butter of digital Magic for a while now. It offers a lot of options for players to shake it up, but you don’t get a lot of stats from the game itself. Why is this a big deal? How can it be improved? Let’s find out!